


We are based in the Chevy Chase / Bethesda / Kensington region of Maryland and provide opportunities for girls from ages 11-17 to experience the outdoors, learn outdoor skills, provide community service, and grow through leadership experience in a well-structured program. We started in 2019 and our sponsoring organization is The Westlake-Troop 8 BSA Memorial Foundation. William Westlake was a Boys Troop 8 Scoutmaster for 35 years and bequeathed his estate for the benefit of youth organizations in the Washington DC area. For more information about us, including our history, our Boys Troop 8, and the Westlake Foundation, please visit our public website. This operational website is for our GT8 members and access is largely restricted.

SIGN UP NOW for the Klondike Derby on January 24-26

Posted on Jan 10 2025 - 4:53am

We are nearing the Klondike Derby forthis year, which will be January 24-26. ALL SCOUTS MUST SIGN UP BY MONDAY TO INDICATE WHETHER THEY ARE ATTENDING.

SIGN UP NOW for Summer Camp (June 15-21)

Posted on Jan 10 2025 - 4:48am

Sign up now for Summer Camp 2025! GT8 will be attending a new summer camp in Fort Littleton PA this summer, Camp Sinoquipe. Camp Sinoquipe is located about 2 hours north of DC. The picturesque 500-acre Sinoquipe Scout Reservation, owned and operated by the Shenandoah Area Council, BSA, is nestled in the mountains of Fulton County, Pennsylvania around a 10-acre lake. Attending is a great way for scouts to earn merit badges and complete rank advancements. Sign up now if you are able to attend!

BSA Renewal Notices

Posted on Dec 19 2024 - 1:41pm

Many of the GT8 families likely received an email at the beginning of December stating that your scout's BSA Membership is up for Renewal. The reason for this email is that BSA has changed the way that membership fees are collected effective this year.

Important Information for Backpacking Outing

Posted on Dec 12 2024 - 7:36am

For those attending the Backpacking outing this weekend, here is the important information about the outing shared via email on Wednesday evening.

First, we are not going to be able to schedule a pack check prior to the outing, so scouts must carefully review their items to ensure that they are packing the correct gear. The Philmont gear packing list and a link to the winter backpacking list that we usually use are both available in the calendar entry on the GT8 website. Please review carefully and ensure that you include the right items. Given the weather forecast (high in the 30s and low in the 20s, with possible rain on Sunday), make sure to pack warm gear (wear multiple layers on Saturday), rain gear, and at least 3 pairs of socks. Also make sure to bring 2 liters of water (two separate 1 liter bottles), and your portion of the tents that were distributed two weeks ago. If you got meals on Monday, also include those. We will distribute the rest of the meals and shared gear and review packs prior to leaving on Saturday morning to ensure that they are not weighed down too much.

SIGN UP NOW: Service Project - Park Cleanup at Blair Jessup Park (December 7 at 9:00 am)

Posted on Dec 2 2024 - 9:55pm

Join GT8 and BT8 this Saturday, December 7 at 9am at Blair Jessup Park (Silver Spring, Md) for a park clean up! This clean up can go towards conservation projects and scouts can earn SSL hours with this activity.

SIGN UP NOW for the December Outing - Backpacking on the Appalachian Trail

Posted on Dec 2 2024 - 9:55pm

GT8 is backpacking on the Appalachian Trail in December. Full details are on the calendar entry on the GT8 website. SIGN UP NOW! This will be a backpacking trip along the Appalachian Trail for the whole troop, but is the second mandatory shakedown for those scouts attending Philmont. We plan to start in Harpers Ferry and hike south into Virginia for 8.8 miles to the David Lesser Shelter on the AT, where we will stay overnight on Saturday.

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